Gates Open: 6:00 PM - Racing Starts: 8:00 PM
Outlaw Modifieds
27th February American Racer Modified Series 28th February United States Modified Series 1st March United States Modified Series

1/29/2022 - Heart O' Texas Speedway
Waco, TX
2021 Heart O' Texas Speedway Awards Banquet
Heart O' Texas Speedway will honor all Track Champions and Top Ten Drivers in all weekly classes at the Annual Awards Banquet. This event will be held at the American Legion Hall (Formerly Linden Hall) in Elm Mott, Tx. The speedway will be registering drivers in all divisions, selling pit stall spots, selling IMCA License as well. Event starts at 6:00pm with meet and greet, Meal is at 7:00pm and Awards at 8:00pm
No classes available